[AI Fabric] This Is How Prompts Should Be Used

Fabric is an open-source framework designed to enhance human capabilities through artificial intelligence, addressing the challenges of AI integration. By breaking down problems and applying AI solutions, Fabric helps users tackle daily challenges, achieving a perfect blend of technology and humanity.

[AI MoA] So This is MoA (Mixture-of-Agents)

Introducing a project, Mixture-of-Agents (MoA). MoA is an innovative approach that leverages the collective advantages of multiple LLMs to enhance performance, achieving state-of-the-art results. By adopting a hierarchical architecture with multiple LLM agents at each layer, MoA uses only open-source models and scores 65.1% on AlpacaEval 2.0, significantly outperforming GPT-4 Omni's 57.5%!