[AI OpenAI] SearchGPT Prototype Released, Join the Waitlist Now

Learn about OpenAI latest search feature prototype, SearchGPT, and how it combines AI models with web information to provide quick and accurate answers.


  • SearchGPT is currently a temporary prototype, with future plans to integrate it into ChatGPT
  • This format is great; it aims to provide the best answers to users
  • A similar format was showcased at Google I/O this year
  • The business model is somewhat like an ad network or Meituan
  • How will other AI searches respond? For example, Perplexity

We are testing SearchGPT, a new search feature prototype designed to combine the power of our AI models with information from the web to provide you with quick, timely answers and clear, relevant sources. We are rolling it out to a small group of users and publishers to gather feedback. While this prototype is temporary, we plan to integrate the best parts of these features directly into ChatGPT in the future. If you’re interested in trying this prototype, please sign up for the waitlist.

Getting answers from the web can require a lot of effort, often involving multiple attempts to find relevant results. We believe that by enhancing our model’s conversational abilities with real-time information from the web, finding the information you want can be faster and easier.

Designed to Provide Answers

SearchGPT will quickly and directly answer your questions with the latest information from the web, while also providing clear links to relevant sources.

You will be able to ask follow-up questions as if you were talking to a person, with each query building a shared context.

Partnering with Publishers and Creators

We are committed to building a vibrant ecosystem of publishers and creators. We aim to help users discover publisher websites and experiences while bringing more choice to search. For decades, search has been the foundational way publishers and creators connect with users. Now, we’re using AI to enhance this experience by highlighting high-quality content in the conversational interface and providing multiple engagement opportunities for users.

SearchGPT aims to help users connect with publishers by highlighting citations and links in search results. Responses will have clear, inline, named attributions and links so users know where the information comes from and can quickly engage with more results via a sidebar with source links.

We’ve built this experience in collaboration with publishers and continue to seek their feedback. Alongside the launch of the SearchGPT prototype, we’ve also introduced a way for publishers to manage their presence in SearchGPT, giving them more choices. Importantly, SearchGPT is focused on search and separate from training OpenAI’s generative AI foundation models. Even if sites opt out of generative AI training, they can still appear in search results. To learn more about publisher controls and OpenAI’s web crawler, click here (opens in a new window).

We’ve also heard from publishers and creators that they want to understand how best to interact with AI search products and how their content performs. We’ll use this prototype to learn more and share our findings. If you want to share feedback, please email us at publishers-feedback@openai.com.

What’s Next

We will continue to improve the experience in areas like local information and commerce. We also plan to gather feedback from users and publishers about the prototype and bring the best experiences into ChatGPT. If you’re interested in trying SearchGPT, please sign up for the waitlist (opens in a new window).

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